Download this example.

Stereographic projection

This example illustrates the use of the stereographic projection to generate a mesh covering most of the Earth’s surface.

Download the Natural Earth coastline data set and extract the shapefile.

import requests
import zipfile
import os

coastline_url = ""
shp_file = "ne_10m_coastline/ne_10m_coastline.shp"

if not os.path.isfile(shp_file):
    req = requests.get(coastline_url, allow_redirects=True)
    open("", "wb").write(req.content)

import seamsh
from seamsh.geometry import CurveType
import seamsh.geometry
import numpy as np
from osgeo import osr

The mesh is generated in the polar stereographic projection. the singular point, at the opposite of the projection origin has to be outside the domain. Here the the North Pole is chosen as the origin of the stereographic projection so that the singular point (i.e. the South Pole) is outside the meshed domain.

domain_srs = osr.SpatialReference()
domain_srs.ImportFromProj4("+ellps=WGS84 +proj=stere +lat_0=90")
domain = seamsh.geometry.Domain(domain_srs)
domain.add_boundary_curves_shp(shp_file, "featurecla", CurveType.POLYLINE)

“Cartesian” projection (i.e. no projection) is used to compute the distance to the coast.

cart_srs = osr.SpatialReference()
cart_srs.ImportFromProj4("+ellps=WGS84 +proj=cart +units=m +x_0=0 +y_0=0")

dist_coast = seamsh.field.Distance(domain, 10000, projection=cart_srs)

it is necessary to convert the mesh size to stereographic coordinates

def mesh_size(x, projection):
    s_coast = np.clip((dist_coast(x, projection)-20000)*0.5, 20000, 100000)
    R = 6371000
    stereo_factor = 2/(1+x[:,0]**2/R**2+x[:,1]**2/R**2)
    return s_coast/stereo_factor

coarse = seamsh.geometry.coarsen_boundaries(domain, (0, 0), domain_srs, mesh_size)

Eventually the mesh is generated. The mesh is saved both in stereographic and cartesian coordinates

seamsh.gmsh.mesh(coarse, "natural_earth.msh", mesh_size, output_srs=domain_srs)
seamsh.gmsh.reproject("natural_earth.msh", domain_srs, "natural_earth_cart.msh", cart_srs)